So, I took Eli in for his check up on Monday and this is what his stats were:
Weight: 23.56 lbs (89%)
Height: 29.0 in (74%)
Head: 18.5 in (90%)
Hair: none to speak of ;)
It has been so fun to see how much my little guy has grown since his slow beginning. He is crawling everywhere and getting into everything. His favorite things to do lately is play in the toilet and crawl under the desk at high speed toward the powerstrip with the bright red light! He thinks it is soooo funny when mommy gets all excited and tells him "no!"
sooo cute. I can't believe how much he has grown. So cute and so big!
He's so cute! I can't believe he is already so old! What a doll!
He is so cute! Those are Malakais favorite things to do too. I caught him dipping a pencil in the toilet tonight and then sucking the toilet water off. Babies are so gross! J/K They are so silly.
LOVE HIS HARRY HEAD!!! I can only guess who he got it from. You have a beautiful family.
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