Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Like mother, like daughter

This is Kate at 3 years old sitting with her favorite dolls: Sarah and Cause

And this is me, at 3 years old with Cause and Harper

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Carnival

Our ward had a Halloween Carnival on Friday

Here is Kate as Tinkerbell and Skyler Escue as Snow White

Here is Nate as Abraham Lincoln and Eli

Joseph as Iron Man eating chips with Kate

Rebecca as Cleopatra holding our little lion. Nate was calling him "E-lion"

Isaac was at the party too, dressed as a knight, but he was running around with his friends the whole time that we didn't get a picture of him, maybe we will get one on Halloween.

Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze

We took the kids to a pumpkin patch and corn maze over the UEA weekend. Here are the pictures we took while we were there.

Here are three of the kids looking for pumpkins

Joseph and Kate with mom posing with the green pumpkin we saw

Eli was so patient in his stroller

Here they are pulling the pumpkin wagon with the ones we decided to take home

Nate, giving his approval of the pumpkins

What cute kids we have! Don't you think?

Eli riding on Daddy's shoulders through the corn maze

We really had a good time!