Ok, so I know this is over 2 months late but I wanted to show you the pictures from Isaac's birthday.
This is the Indiana Jones volcano cake his dad made! Doesn't it look great!
This is the cake we had with the Bartletts
This is the cake we served for his Indiana Jones party we had for his friends. He designed it and put the Indiana Jones characters on top.
Here is a view of the table for the party. We lined it with plastic snakes that the kids all got to take home. We served mummy fingers (pigs in a blanket), monkey brains (bagel bites) and a popcorn mix along with Capri Sun to drink. The kids all got Indiana Jone's hats and we had a treasure hunt. They all got a goodie bag with a squirt gun, kaleidoscope, and noise maker inside.
It was fun for me to decorate the table.
Here are all the kids.