Sunday, August 21, 2011

December 2010

December of 2010 started off with Hyrum's blessing day. It was really a nice day. Nate gave Hyrum a wonderful blessing and we had a brunch afterwards at our house.

Grandma Bentley holding Hyrum.

The handsome boy posing for his picture.

I think that's a smile...

My parents with Hyrum: LaVer and Eva Bentley

Nate's parents with Hyrum: Sam and Marcia Bartlett

My wonderful husband with our son.

Mom and Dad

Later on that month we took the kids to see the Christmas lights downtown.

We got the baby all bundled up so he would be warm.

Me and the kids by the pretty trees.

I love this view of the temple.

The kids enjoyed the reflection pool

Sweet Eli...

We let the kids each throw some coins into the pool.

Daddy with Hyrum who somehow fell asleep in the cold air.

He's so peaceful!

And there is the beautiful temple!

One Sunday I dressed Hyrum in this favorite Christmas outfit and had to take his picture.

He looks bored, doesn't he?

In December Eli wrote his name for the first time, even before he turned 3, what a smartie!

On Christmas Eve we got together with the Bartlett's to tell the Nativity Story.

This is Felicity with Great Grandpa Bartlett

Great Grandma too.

Ben, Joseph, Kate and Isaac.

I don't know how Eli did this, but we found him walking around like this!

I was trying to get Joseph to dress up for the story and he was being kinda grumpy about it.

Lydia, one of the wise (women).

I finally got him to dress up but he still had to roll his eyes!

Kate the Shepherd girl.

Hyrum, the baby Jesus.

Ben the Shepherd boy.

There were 3 babies born within a few months of each other so we had them be the stars of the story: Mary (Felicity), Joseph (Mack) and Baby Jesus (Hyrum).

Jarom played the angel that came to the shepherds.

Here is Joseph taking care of the baby Jesus.

After the festivities we went home and let the kids open their pajama present from mom and dad.

Don't they look cute!

Kate and Eli

Isaac and Joseph

Setting out treats for Santa

Ready to go to bed!

The next morning...

Here the kids are looking for the hidden pickle ornament that decides which one gets to open the first present.

Dad and Hyrum

Baby's first Christmas!

the kids all got their own umbrella.

We had a very nice and relaxing Christmas and enjoyed being together.

Hyrum continued to grow and develop...

one day Nate and the boys built this cool snow cave.

It was really cool and lasted for a long time!

It was so cold I think the cave lasted until February!

Well, that was our December. It went by quickly, but well. Looking back at the beginning of 2010 makes us realize how much we were blessed by the Lord. We started off the year by Nate being let go from Sinclair Oil and ended it with a beautiful new baby and a wonderful new job at It's wonderful to see the Lord's hand in your life!