Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back to School

Yesterday was the first day of school!

Isaac is starting 3rd grade, Joseph 2nd, Kate is 5 so she is starting Kindergarten and Eli was trying to make a 2 in this picture.

Big kid Isaac's teacher is Miss Sorenson.

Handsome Joseph's teacher is Mrs. Robert.

Kate is making a K in sign language and has Mrs. Black. (P.S. do you like the outfit she picked out?) I really need to teach her about matching! ;)

Eli wanted to wear his backpack like the other kids and finally made a 2!

Isaac is in the same class as Isaac Oliphant!

Cute Joseph waiting to go inside.

Kate had her assessment and did really well. I was just glad she actually spoke to the teacher!

This is what her teacher gave her when she was all done.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I can't believe you have 3 kids in school! How exciting.