Friday, December 25, 2009

First Haircut!

At 22 months it was time to give little E his first haircut. I had put it off and put it off because he had these cute little curls on the back of his head and it took so long to grow any hair in the first place! Finally I realized it was time to cut it off.

Here he is totally unaware of what is about to happen...

See his lovely locks! I had at least one person who thought he was a girl...

Mommy, what are you doing with those scissors?

all done! It was not a perfect job, but somebody had to do it. It has grown out a little since then and now he has some curls that flip out just over his ears! It's so cute!


Cammie said...

Rebecca! He looks like a grown up boy. I can't believe he's almost two. Where does the time go?

Rebecca said...

I know! I have no idea where the time went!