This is how we found Eli that morning.
The night before Nate rolled out and cut out all of these gingerbread pieces. He worked really hard.
Isaac, Joseph and Kate really got into it too. The kids decorated one house while Nate and I decorated the other.
Here is Eli helping...
The kids' house in finished form.
The one Nate did.
That night we had dinner at the Bartletts' and acted out the Nativity Story.
Here is Nate and Eli looking cool.
Eli again...
Even Grandpa and Grandma got in costume!
Cameron as Joseph, Ben as a shepherd and Serenity as the angel.
Lydia was a very cute shepherd.
Say "Cheese" pretty angel!
Grandma with Ammon and Isaac (two of the three kings)
Kate played the part of Mary. She was very serious about her part.
and there is Joseph, the third wiseman, bearing gifts.
After that we went home and the kids got to open their Christmas Eve presents...
New pajamas!
The first three got a sleepover kit which included a toothbrush, slippers and flashlight. Kate's had a brush and a sleeping mask and she wears it! It's so funny!
After that the kids set out gingerbread cookies and eggnog for Santa and put up our wrapping paper wall so no one could get to the presents early and went to bed!
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